2020: Does Your Estate Plan Match Your Vision?
It's time to ring in the New Year. Are you ready? Sure, you've got champagne glasses and hors d'oeuvres. But, is your life plan in...

Why Everyone Over 18 Needs a Will
Do you need a last will and testament? While preparing a life plan is something that most people put off until later in life, the...

5 Life Planning Tips for the Holiday Season
The holiday season is here, and while that means spending time with your family and other loved ones, we think the holiday season is also...

Back to Basics: Advanced Directives
While a last will is a fundamental component of virtually any life plan, it is not the only document that most people need. In fact,...

What Can Be Disbursed from a Special Needs Trust?
Many Florida residents need to ensure that a child with intellectual and developmental disabilities ("IDDs") or other dependent is cared for. This is especially true...

Do You Need a Florida Living Will?
When people near the end of their life, many will want to retain some measure of control over their medical care. This is especially true...

Essential Tips for Florida Pet Planning
Of the many loved ones in our lives, there is one category that often does not receive enough attention in estate planning: our pets. And...

Basics of Florida Guardianships
Florida law provides a process for a person to take over the legal rights of another person who is incapacitated. This is known as a...

Pitfalls in Florida Business Succession Planning
When you have worked hard to build a business, you want to ensure that business continues strong when you no longer hold the reins. When...

Why You Need a Florida Living Trust
For Florida residents, a Florida living trust can be a key ingredient in their estate planning. When seeking to protect your assets for the benefit...