Do You Need a Florida Living Will?
When people near the end of their life, many will want to retain some measure of control over their medical care. This is especially true...

Essential Tips for Florida Pet Planning
Of the many loved ones in our lives, there is one category that often does not receive enough attention in estate planning: our pets. And...

Basics of Florida Guardianships
Florida law provides a process for a person to take over the legal rights of another person who is incapacitated. This is known as a...

Pitfalls in Florida Business Succession Planning
When you have worked hard to build a business, you want to ensure that business continues strong when you no longer hold the reins. When...

Why You Need a Florida Living Trust
For Florida residents, a Florida living trust can be a key ingredient in their estate planning. When seeking to protect your assets for the benefit...

Protecting Your Life Plan During Hurricane Season
As we enter another (projected to be) busy hurricane season, have you thought about how you can protect your critical life planning documents if you're...

Estate Planning is More Than Just Death Planning — Understanding the Power of Attorney
Estate planning is more than just "death" planning. That's why you'll see us refer to it as life planning. Because a life plan accounts for...